Jinja Sexual Reproductive Health Rights ( Jinja SRHR II Project)

Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Improvement for Girls

The JINJA KOICA project (Phase II) aimed to improve Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) for girls in Jinja by reducing early marriages and teenage pregnancies.

Among the key activities of the project include; Establishment of Girl Friendly Spaces, Support for Reproductive Health and Menstruation Hygiene Management materials and activities, Organize and operate Girls’ rights and advocacy clubs

Since the inception of the project, we have constructed and operate  three Girl Friendly Spaces (GFS) in target primary schools and a health center, providing services to 4,251 girls and 1,944 boys. We have developed  and distributed SRHR Girls Ambassador (GA) workbooks throughout Jinja District  to enhance SRHR awareness.



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